Waverly Township is a township in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. The Township borders Dalton to the west and Scott Township to the east. Waverly Township is part of the growing suburban area known as the "Abingtons." The population was 1,743 at the 2010 census. Prior to 2011, the Township was known as Abington Township.
2010 Population: 1743
Area of Township: 4.6sq. miles
Road System:
State-owned roadways: 9.49 miles
Funded Township roadways: 8.72 miles
Christine Capozzi - Township Manager/Secretary, Zoning Officer
Christine Capozzi is the Township Manager, Secretary and Zoning Officer. Christine is responsible fo r the day to day operations of the Township and works closely with the Board of Supervisors and Township team.. The Township Manager prepares the budget, implements all policies, ordinances, resolutions and official directives of the Board of Supervisors. Christine prepares all township communications (quarterly newsletters, annual report and website). She also represents the township before agencies including the COG, SAPA and the Tax Collection Committee. Christine is also the Township's Zoning Officer and is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Township's Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Officer also works closely with the appointed Township Engineer and Building Code Official regarding the subdivision and land development ordinance (SALDO).
waverlytownship@comcast.net, ext. 102
Tom James - Director of Public Works/Roadmaster/Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator
Tom James is the Township's Director of Public Works, Roadmaster and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator. Tom coordinates the Township's public property maintenance and is responsible for maintenance of Township owned roads, waste-water treatment plant and pump stations, streets, snow removal ice control, stormwater management control measures and practices, and maintenance and repair of all Township-owned buildings and open space,
twppublicworks@aol.com, ext. 101
Jacqueline Bisch - Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Jackie serves as Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, The Assistant Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, budget reconciliation, preparation of monthly and annual financial statements, cash receipts and disbursements, purchasing, preparation of bill lists, processing checks to payments for vendors, invoicing for Township services, employee benefits, insurance, and the billing/collections for sewer accounts. The Financial administration of Township funds is supervised by the Township Manager and Board of Supervisors. Jackie is also the Township's Open Records Officer.
abtwpclerk@aol.com, ext. 100
Steve Bray -Department of Public Works
Steve Bray is a full-time Public Works/Wastewater Treatment Operator position in the maintenance and development of the Township’s parks, buildings, streets and sewer facilities. This position reports directly to the Public Works Director. Steve completes repairs and upgrades and maintains Township Roads, sewer system, and other general maintenance tasks to improve Township grounds and facilities.
waverlywwtp@comcast.net, ext. 104
Waverly Township Police Department
Kenneth James is the Chief of Police and oversees the Waverly Township Police Department which consists of 2 full-time officers: Officer Gordon Demming and Officer Angelo Rudolfi and 3 part-time officers. The Police Department is tasked to safeguard people and property through the enforcement of local and State Laws and ordinances with a committed group of officers who value community partnerships, and foster public trust and respect. Chief James oversees all functions within the police department to include: staffing, budget adherence, allocation of resources and officer development.
Police Chief Kenneth James, ext. 106
Other Useful Contact Numbers:
Waverly Post Office: (In Community House) 570-586-2831
Waverly Community House: Michelle Hamilton, Executive Director, 570-586-8191
Real Estate Tax Collector: Ilona Thurston, 570-498-7310.
Wage Tax Collector: Berkheimer Tax Office 570-342-1261
Building Inspectors - BIU, Inc.or NEIC - Building Inspector- 570-344-9681 or NEIC 570.280.2111
Sewage Enforcement Officer(s): David Lamereaux, 570-878-2513
Magisterial District Judge Office: 570-587-1909
Fire Departments - Clarks Summit Fire Co. (non-emergency) 570-586-9656, Dalton Fire Co. (non-emergency) 570-563-1313
Abington Heights School District: 570-586-2511
Residents select their own private trash haulers. Here are a few that service Waverly Township; DeNaples, Mascaro and Cassella.